Set up a User Test

    At the end of this topic you'll have a usability test based on a prototype in your workspace. Optionally, watch video tutorial on how to set up a user test.

    In Brief

    1. Creating a usability test.
    2. Defining tasks.
    3. Inviting participants.

    Step by step

    1. Create a usability test

    1. Locate the prototype in your workspace, and click on New Usability Test option.

    1. Optionally, add welcome and thank you messages.The welcome message is what your participants will see before starting the study. For the thank you page content you can suggest future actions for participants completing the study. For example, asking them to go complete a post-study survey.


    Select Usability Tests in the navigation bar while signed in to to see and manage all your studies.

    2. Define tasks

    You need at least one task to start a usability test.

    1. To add a task, click on new task. Then, add a description.

    1. Define the expected path for completing the task by interacting with the prototype. If you make a mistake, you can always undo the last step.

    1. When you are done recording the path, use the new task option to add more. If you are done adding tasks, go ahead and invite participants.

    3. Invite participants

    To invite participants, click Start Testing option in the main toolbar. Then, share the generated URL let them take part using their web-browser.


    Once participation begins, you cannot make changes to your study.

    When you are happy with the number of participants, you can use the Stop Testing option to prevent additional sessions.