
    Use the Text Component Symbol to display the content of a title or paragraph string that is not interactive, such as the content of a news article or blog post.

    Text Demo

    Title and Paragraph

    Text comes in two distict variants for Titles and for Paragraphs.

    Title Sizes

    Text Titles come in six preset sizes from the largest H1 to the much smaller H5 and H6.

    After inserting a Title, make sure to give it a correct height for the chosen size. | Size | Pixel Height | | -- | ----- | | H1 | 170px | | H2 | 85px | | H3 | 68px | | H4 | 42px | | H5 | 36px | | H6 | 31px |

    Paragraph Sizes

    Text Paragraphs come in three preset sizes: a larger Body 1, a smaller Body 2, and a tiny Caption used to annotate images and titles.

    After inserting a Paragraph, make sure to give it a correct height for the chosen size and according to the length of the text content. If the Paragraph spans multiple lines of text multiply the value from the table below with the number of lines you have. | Size | Pixel Height | | ------- | ------------ | | Body 1 | 24px | | Body 2 | 21px | | Caption | 19px |


    Titles and Paragraphs come with constrained styling flexibility through the options, allowing only to choose from the text weight and color presets available in the Typography portion of the Styling library.


    Always choose Paragraph text color that makes a Hyperlink stand out if the two are used together. Avoid using the same color or similar nuances of it and pick consistent Title and Paragraph colors across your complete design. Use the Paragraph Caption size only for one-line annotations and avoid using such tiny font sizes for longer, multi-line strings.

    Do Don't

    Code generation

    This section describes some important overrides and how they affect code generation.


    Triggering Detach from Symbol on an instance of the Title or Paragraph Text in your design is very likely to result in loss of code generation capability for the Title or Paragraph Text. For code generation to be able to match your layout in Sketch, make sure that your Titles and Paragraphs have a proper height that is just as much as the content needs to render.


    The Text property may contain text, or a combination of the two, examples:

    • Settings
    • {settingsLabel}
    • Important {labelText}

    Additional Resources

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